2008 Şubat ayından beri İmç 5.blok’ta 5533 numaralı dükkanda faliyetlerini sürdüren bağımsız güncel sanat mekanı 5533, yeni yıla Nazlı Gürlek direktörlüğünde giriyor.
Bundan sonra 5533’ün direktörü yazar ve küratör Nazlı Gürlek olacaktır. Gürlek'in bağımsız küratöryel pratiğini yazarlık, editörlük ve sergi yapımcılığı olmak üzere üç alanda, bir arada yürüttüğü aktiviteler oluşturur. Nazlı Gürlek, (d. 1981, İstanbul, Türkiye) Floransa’da Resim ve Sanat Tarihi lisansını bitirdikten sonra Londra Goldsmiths Kolej’de Küratörlük yüksek lisans derecesini aldı. 53. Venedik Bienali (İtalya, 2009) Türk Pavyonu’nunda yardımcı küratör olarak çalıştı. İngiltere, İtalya, İspanya, Hollanda ve Türkiye'de bağımsiz ve kurumsal pozisyonlarda çalışmalar gerçekleştirdi. IMpress adlı uluslararası ve bağımsız yayınevinin kurucularındandır. IMpress, 2007 yılında Londra'da kurulmuş olan ve bugün 4 üyesinin İstanbul, Roma, Barselona, Londra ve Dublin şehirlerinde yaşamakta olduğu bir oluşumdur. Sanat yayını ve sergisi arasındaki gittikçe ön plana çıkmakta olan ilişkilere odaklı basılı projeler üretir.
Bu değişim ve yenilenme çalışmaları için 5533 18 Aralık’ta gerçekleştireceği iki etkinlikle çalışmalarına Mart ayına kadar ara verecektir. Bu süre zarfında Video Kurye-uluslararası video arşivi-ve 5533 arşivi randevu ile ziyaretçilere açık olacaktır.
Daha detaylı bilgi ve iletişim için www.imc5533.blogpot.com – imc5533@gmail.com
Açıldığı tarihten bu yana 5533, 15 sergi, 10 sunum, 11 gösterim, 5 konuşmaya ev sahipliği yaptı. Bütün bu etkinliklerden geriye bazı parçalar kaldı. Bunlar arasında renkleri sorunlu olan televizyon, şişme bot, vitrin mankenleri ve parçaları, raflar, ışıklar, defterler gibi çeşitli malzemeler bulunmakta. Bütün bu eşyaları hem mekanın üçüncü yılını kutlamak hem de yeni yıl öncesi bir araya gelmek için temsili ücretlerle satışa çıkarıyoruz.
Günlük yaşamda önemsiz gibi görünen boş su şişeleri ve alışıldık SMS tınıları, geri-dönüşüm sürecine karşı beklenmedik hikayeler ve sesler üretiyor.
Berlinli sanatçılar Steffi Weismann ve Barbara Loreck, taşınabilir teknolojiler olarak biliinen cep telefonları veya hoparlörleri vucütlarına bağlayarak kimlikler ve tasarımlar üzerine yeni perspektifler yaratmayı planlıyor. İki performans da seyircilerle performansçılar arasında iletişimsel bir yakınlık kuruyor.
Garaj Satışı, Sirkülasyon – canlı medya gösterisi – ve 5533’ün yeni direktörü ve ekibi ile yılın son çay ve tost toplantısı için 18 Aralık Cumartesi günü 14:00- 18:00 arası sizleri bekliyoruz.
5533 ekibi.
Adres: 5533 5th Block IMC, Unkapani, Istanbul
İletişi: imc5533@gmail.com
Nazlı Gürlek will begin the New Year as the director of the independent contemporary art center 5533 that has sponsored art events since February of 2008 in the store numbered 5533 of the 5th Block of IMC, Unkapani, Istanbul.
Nazlı Gürlek is the new director of 5533. Nazlı Gürlek, (b. 1981, Istanbul, Turkey) whose independent curatorial practice is developed simultaneously through and around 3 modes of production that includes writing, editorship and exhibition making. After obtaining a BA in Painting and Art history from the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, Italy, she received her MFA in Curating at Goldsmiths College, London. She held the position of Assistant Curator for the Pavilion of Turkey at the 53rd Biennale di Venezia (Italy, 2009). She also held various independent and institutional positions in the UK, Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Turkey. She is a founding member of IMpress, an independent and international publishing house founded in 2007 in London, whose members are based between Barcelona, Dublin, Istanbul, London and Rome, and projects aim to explore the evolving relationship and dissolving distinction between art exhibition and art publication.
The directorial change and renovation of 5533 will begin after the two events scheduled for 5533 on December 18, 2010. Until March 2011, access to visitors of 5533’s archive and Video Kurye’s international video archive can be obtained by appointment only.
For more information and communication contact
Since 5533 opened in 2008, it has housed 15 exhibitions, 10 presentations, 11 performances, and 5 talks. Various bits and pieces including a television with a color problem, a rubber boat, a display case, manikins, manikin parts, shelves, lights, and an array of notebooks have been left from these activities. To celebrate the completion of three years at 5533 and to bring everyone together before the New Year, we are selling this miscellaneous array of goods at reasonable prices.
Seemingly insignificant elements of every day life, empty water bottles and ordinary SMS (text messages), are subject to a recycling process through narration and sound. Eventually, they become loaded with unforeseen meanings and a big bubble is ready to burst. The Berlin based artists, Steffi Weismann and Barbara Loreck, use portable technical devices such as loudspeakers directly attached to the moving body and mobile phones to open up surprising perspectives regarding identity and self-construction. Both performances trigger a communicative situation between performer and audience. Please bring your cell phone.
The new director and all of the 5533 group hope to see you at the last of this year’s tea and toast meetings for the Garage Sale and Sirkülasyon-Live Media Performance on Saturday, December 18, 2010.
Address: 5533 5th Block IMC, Unkapani, Istanbul
Contact: imc5533@gmail.com
Bu bir kapanış yazısı değildir. / This is not a Farewell letter!
Aralık 15, 2010
Bu bir kapanış yazısı değildir.
Nancy Atakan, Volkan Aslan ve Marcus Graf tarafından Şubat 2008’de açılan 5533 geride bıraktığı üç sene içerisinde, onlarca sergi, gösterim, sunum ve söyleşilerin yanı sıra bir çok sanatçı, küratör ve inisiyatifleri elinden geldiği en iyi şekilde misafir etmeye çalıştı. Farklı birçok meslek grubundan ve disiplinlerden inanlarla çalıştı ve komşusundan izleyicisine herkesin üzerinde emeği bulunan bir yapıya dönüştü.
Nancy Atakan’ın fikriyle başlayan bu yapılanma Adnan Yıldız’ın cesaretlendirmesiyle gerçeğe dönüştü ve 5533 isimlerine tek tek yer veremeyeceğimiz birçok kişinin emeğiyle ortaya çıktı. Geçtiğimiz üç yıl içerisinde 5533 15 sergi, 10 sunum, 11 gösterim, 5 konuşmaya ev sahipliği yaptı. Bütün bu etkinliklerin yanı sıra birçok sanatçı inisiyatifini ve kolektifini bir araya getirdi.
Bundan sonra 5533’ün direktörü yazar ve küratör Nazlı Gürlek olacaktır. Gürlek'in bağımsız küratöryel pratiğini yazarlık, editörlük ve sergi yapımcılığı olmak üzere üç alanda, bir arada yürüttüğü aktiviteler oluşturur. Nazlı Gürlek, (d. 1981, İstanbul, Türkiye) Floransa’da Resim ve Sanat Tarihi lisansını bitirdikten sonra Londra Goldsmiths Kolej’de Küratörlük yüksek lisans derecesini aldı. 53. Venedik Bienali (İtalya, 2009) Türk Pavyonu’nunda yardımcı küratör olarak çalıştı. İngiltere, İtalya, İspanya, Hollanda ve Türkiye'de bağımsiz ve kurumsal pozisyonlarda çalışmalar gerçekleştirdi. IMpress adlı uluslararası ve bağımsız yayınevinin kurucularındandır. IMpress, 2007 yılında Londra'da kurulmuş olan ve bugün 4 üyesinin İstanbul, Roma, Barselona, Londra ve Dublin şehirlerinde yaşamakta olduğu bir oluşumdur. Sanat yayını ve sergisi arasındaki gittikçe ön plana çıkmakta olan ilişkilere odaklı basılı projeler üretir.
Bundan sonra Gürlek yönetiminde olacak olan 5533 Mart ayı içerisinde yeni yapısıyla izleyici karşısına çıkacaktır. Bu nedenle 18 Aralık’ta gerçekleştireceği iki etkinlikten sonra Mart ayına kadar çalışmalarına ara verecektir.
Her zaman olduğu gibi 5533 yeni projelere ve önerilere açık olacaktır. Bu süre zarfı içerisinde 5533 arşivi ve Video Kurye Uluslararası Video Arşivi ziyaretçilere randevu ile açık olacaktır.
Geride bıraktığımız 3 yıl içerisinde emeği geçen sizlere teşekkür ederiz. Yeni yılda aynı mekanda görüşmek üzere.
5533 ekibi.
İletişim için : imc5533@gmail.com
5533 İMÇ 5.Blok no:5533 Unkapanı /İstanbul
December 15, 2010
This is not a Farewell letter!
During the three years since Nancy Atakan, Volkan Aslan and Marcus Graf opened 5533, they have hosted numerous exhibitions, performances, presentations and conferences as well as give support to a large number of artists, curators and initiatives. Working together with people from difference professions and disciplines who believed in its potential and with the efforts of both spectators and neighbors, 5533 became a functioning space.
Initially Adnan Yildiz’s initiative transformed Nancy Atakan’s idea into reality, but the joint efforts of innumerable people made 5533. Over the past three years 5533 sponsored 15 exhibitions, 10 presentations, 11 performances, and 5 talks. In addition to these activities, it also brought together several artist initiatives and collectives.
Nazlı Gürlek is the new director of 5533. Nazlı Gürlek, (b. 1981, Istanbul, Turkey) whose independent curatorial practice is developed simultaneously through and around 3 modes of production that includes writing, editorship and exhibition making. After obtaining a BA in Painting and Art history from the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, Italy, she received her MFA in Curating at Goldsmiths College, London. She held the position of Assistant Curator for the Pavilion of Turkey at the 53rd Biennale di Venezia (Italy, 2009). She also held various independent and institutional positions in the UK, Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Turkey. She is a founding member of IMpress, an independent and international publishing house founded in 2007 in London, whose members are based between Barcelona, Dublin, Istanbul, London and Rome, and projects aim to explore the evolving relationship and dissolving distinction between art exhibition and art publication.
Under the directorship of Gurlek, 5533 will re-open in March of 2011. Consequently, the events taking place on December 18th will be the last of this season.
As usual, 5533 will be open to suggestions, propositions, and proposals for new projects. Until March, 5533’s archive and Kurye Video’s film archive will be open by appointment only.
We thank everyone who has helped to make 5533 successful over the past three years. We look forward to seeing you again in the same space next year.
The 5533 Group
Contacts: imc5533@gmail.com
Address: 5533 İMÇ 5.Blok no:5533 Unkapanı /İstanbul
Bu bir kapanış yazısı değildir.
Nancy Atakan, Volkan Aslan ve Marcus Graf tarafından Şubat 2008’de açılan 5533 geride bıraktığı üç sene içerisinde, onlarca sergi, gösterim, sunum ve söyleşilerin yanı sıra bir çok sanatçı, küratör ve inisiyatifleri elinden geldiği en iyi şekilde misafir etmeye çalıştı. Farklı birçok meslek grubundan ve disiplinlerden inanlarla çalıştı ve komşusundan izleyicisine herkesin üzerinde emeği bulunan bir yapıya dönüştü.
Nancy Atakan’ın fikriyle başlayan bu yapılanma Adnan Yıldız’ın cesaretlendirmesiyle gerçeğe dönüştü ve 5533 isimlerine tek tek yer veremeyeceğimiz birçok kişinin emeğiyle ortaya çıktı. Geçtiğimiz üç yıl içerisinde 5533 15 sergi, 10 sunum, 11 gösterim, 5 konuşmaya ev sahipliği yaptı. Bütün bu etkinliklerin yanı sıra birçok sanatçı inisiyatifini ve kolektifini bir araya getirdi.
Bundan sonra 5533’ün direktörü yazar ve küratör Nazlı Gürlek olacaktır. Gürlek'in bağımsız küratöryel pratiğini yazarlık, editörlük ve sergi yapımcılığı olmak üzere üç alanda, bir arada yürüttüğü aktiviteler oluşturur. Nazlı Gürlek, (d. 1981, İstanbul, Türkiye) Floransa’da Resim ve Sanat Tarihi lisansını bitirdikten sonra Londra Goldsmiths Kolej’de Küratörlük yüksek lisans derecesini aldı. 53. Venedik Bienali (İtalya, 2009) Türk Pavyonu’nunda yardımcı küratör olarak çalıştı. İngiltere, İtalya, İspanya, Hollanda ve Türkiye'de bağımsiz ve kurumsal pozisyonlarda çalışmalar gerçekleştirdi. IMpress adlı uluslararası ve bağımsız yayınevinin kurucularındandır. IMpress, 2007 yılında Londra'da kurulmuş olan ve bugün 4 üyesinin İstanbul, Roma, Barselona, Londra ve Dublin şehirlerinde yaşamakta olduğu bir oluşumdur. Sanat yayını ve sergisi arasındaki gittikçe ön plana çıkmakta olan ilişkilere odaklı basılı projeler üretir.
Bundan sonra Gürlek yönetiminde olacak olan 5533 Mart ayı içerisinde yeni yapısıyla izleyici karşısına çıkacaktır. Bu nedenle 18 Aralık’ta gerçekleştireceği iki etkinlikten sonra Mart ayına kadar çalışmalarına ara verecektir.
Her zaman olduğu gibi 5533 yeni projelere ve önerilere açık olacaktır. Bu süre zarfı içerisinde 5533 arşivi ve Video Kurye Uluslararası Video Arşivi ziyaretçilere randevu ile açık olacaktır.
Geride bıraktığımız 3 yıl içerisinde emeği geçen sizlere teşekkür ederiz. Yeni yılda aynı mekanda görüşmek üzere.
5533 ekibi.
İletişim için : imc5533@gmail.com
5533 İMÇ 5.Blok no:5533 Unkapanı /İstanbul
December 15, 2010
This is not a Farewell letter!
During the three years since Nancy Atakan, Volkan Aslan and Marcus Graf opened 5533, they have hosted numerous exhibitions, performances, presentations and conferences as well as give support to a large number of artists, curators and initiatives. Working together with people from difference professions and disciplines who believed in its potential and with the efforts of both spectators and neighbors, 5533 became a functioning space.
Initially Adnan Yildiz’s initiative transformed Nancy Atakan’s idea into reality, but the joint efforts of innumerable people made 5533. Over the past three years 5533 sponsored 15 exhibitions, 10 presentations, 11 performances, and 5 talks. In addition to these activities, it also brought together several artist initiatives and collectives.
Nazlı Gürlek is the new director of 5533. Nazlı Gürlek, (b. 1981, Istanbul, Turkey) whose independent curatorial practice is developed simultaneously through and around 3 modes of production that includes writing, editorship and exhibition making. After obtaining a BA in Painting and Art history from the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, Italy, she received her MFA in Curating at Goldsmiths College, London. She held the position of Assistant Curator for the Pavilion of Turkey at the 53rd Biennale di Venezia (Italy, 2009). She also held various independent and institutional positions in the UK, Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Turkey. She is a founding member of IMpress, an independent and international publishing house founded in 2007 in London, whose members are based between Barcelona, Dublin, Istanbul, London and Rome, and projects aim to explore the evolving relationship and dissolving distinction between art exhibition and art publication.
Under the directorship of Gurlek, 5533 will re-open in March of 2011. Consequently, the events taking place on December 18th will be the last of this season.
As usual, 5533 will be open to suggestions, propositions, and proposals for new projects. Until March, 5533’s archive and Kurye Video’s film archive will be open by appointment only.
We thank everyone who has helped to make 5533 successful over the past three years. We look forward to seeing you again in the same space next year.
The 5533 Group
Contacts: imc5533@gmail.com
Address: 5533 İMÇ 5.Blok no:5533 Unkapanı /İstanbul
Garden Studio-Cooking Even

“Garden Studio-Cooking Event” Per Schumann ve Malte Zacharias
6 Kasım / November Cumartesi/on Saturday saat 13:00
Yer: 5533 İMÇ 5inci Blok Unkapanı

“Floating Volumes”
Açılış: 2 Kasım Salı / 16:00 – 19:00
2 -13 Kasım 2010
Çarsamba-Cumartesi günleri 13:00 18:00 arası ziyaret edilebilir.
“Garden Studio-Cooking Event” Per Schumann ve Malte Zacharias
6 Kasım Cumartesi saat 13:00
Yer: 5533 İMÇ 5. Blok Unkapanı
Katılımcı sanatçılar:
Emine Şahinaz Akalın, Volkan Aslan, Claudia Behling, Elmas Deniz, Şakir Gökçebağ, Pınar Ögrenci, Eva Riekehof, Per Schumann, Malte Zacharias
Bu sergi, Frise / Hamburg – 5533 / İstanbul Sanatçı Değişim Programı çercevesinde geçekleşmektedir.
Bu sergi, Hamburg Kültür, Spor ve Media resmi dairesi ve SunExpress tarafından desteklenmektedir.

Saturday/Cumartesi, October 9 Ekim, 16:00–19:00
5533, İMÇ Blok 5, No. 5533,
Unkapanı, İstanbul
October 9 Ekim – October 16 Ekim, 2010
Monday–Saturday/Pazartesi–Cumartesi 13:00–19:00
Yeni Anıt | Volkan Aslan | Nancy Atakan | Irena Eden | Antje Feger | Mark Henley | Matthias Krause | Stijn Lernout | Gümüş Özdeş | Iz Oztat | Nadin Reschke | Benjamin F. Stumpf | Katinka Theis | Mehmet Vanlıoğlu
Antje Feger, Benjamin F. Stumpf
Irena Eden & Stijn Lernout (Vienna)
Prof. Rainer W. Ernst (Berlin)
Sunday/Pazar, October 10 Ekim, 16:00
Park Otel
Cennet Çay Bahçesi Adem Baba’nın Yeri
Selime Hatun Cami Sokak/Ayaz Paşa Cami Sokak
Presented by/Hazırlayan: PUBLIC IDEA
Supported by/Destekciler: Istanbul 2010 – European Capital of Culture, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
artist talk "If only we could" - Nadin Reschke
Tuesday, September 28
Hosted by 5533
Imç. Blok 5 No. 5533
Unkapanı, Istanbul
Presented by
If only we could
Berlin based artist Nadin Reschke uses this proclaimative subjunctive to examine some of her collaborative projects in public space. In her artwork, she engages with social issues, often employing participatory strategies to involve people outside the art context in the work’s development. Her process-based projects trigger communication and create a framework for social action. She has realized several international collaborative projects, for instance 2004-05 so far so good in 14 different countries, 2007 Kalıntı oder von dem was übrig bleibt in Istanbul (TR) with the support of a DAAD-grant and 2009 the language project Tongue in collaboration with Oda Projesi. She is also active as an art mediator and is involved in curatorial projects such as the New Society for Visual Arts (NGBK) in Berlin and works as an Assistant Professor in the Masterprogram „Public Art and New Artistic Strategies“ at Bauhaus University Weimar.

PUBLIC IDEA presents:
Matteo Locci (Rome) / Merve Yucel (Istanbul)
A brutal history of public space and planning towards the understatement of Istanbul's diversity.
Confronted with the classical evolution of rational planning theories, ottoman cities development is seen as an alternative model based on the idea of transformation, openness, communal, non definition and crisis. The contemporary city is therefore portrayed and understood trough its past.
Friday 17/09/2010 8 p.m.
Black Door Istanbul
Mumhane Caddesi 38
34425 Karaköy, Istanbul
in cooperation :
with 5533 and Black Door Istanbul
supported by:
ECOC Istanbul 2010 //
Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Germany
Stephanie Mold: Alterity Maybe / Başkalık Belki

“Alterity Maybe“
Stephanie Mold
May 16–June 19, 2010
Opening: May 15 at 15:00
Stephanie Mold, a young Austrian artist who has spent several months in Istanbul during four visits and is now an artist-in-residence at Garanti Platform, opens her exhibition at 5533 on May 15, 2010, with three works she created in Turkey.
As a modus operandi, Stephanie Mold exposes herself to different cultural contexts to research artistic, social, and biographical actions. During this process, she interacts and initiates a dialog with others without predicting the outcome of the process. It could be said that she filters different elements encountered in places and situations in order to create portraits. Using the media of documentation, she varies and adapts the format depending on the nature of the project. In short, this exhibition deals with ’Otherness’ and the difficulties of understanding or merging into another culture. As Dietrich Diederichsen said, "I have to perceive the ’other’ not in relation to myself as a romantic illustration of my adventure, as decorative significant friend or as a foe [...] rather, their ’other’ perspective should help me to leave the cage of individuality, of subjectivity and competition, at least for a while."
In the videoloop, Alterity Maybe, she sings along with a musician who sits in front of her studio on Istiklal Caddesi everyday. Reflecting the tradition of the Atisma, a song duel, they sing together, share the same melody, but both stay inside their own perspective without responding to each other. Their relationship seems to be quite fragile and insecure.
Hello Gümüshane is a roadmovie about her trip as museum guard from Linz (Austria) to Gümüshane (Turkey) to meet the mayor of Gümüshane and to present him with a chair. She left the homogeneous world of the Museum of Modern Art in Linz to go on an adventure, but at the end of the process, she had to look at the place she left from a new perspective.
Also shown in this exhibition is the work entitled Meet me there, a series in which she uses drawing and embroidery to draw the viewer into an intimate dialogue. Using a strange alphabet, she reveals hidden stories about Istanbul.
„Başkalık Belki“
Stephanie Mold
16 Mayıs-19 Haziran 2010
Açılış: 15 Mayıs 15:00
İstanbul’a yaptığı dört ziyaret ile burada birkaç ay yaşamış olan ve şuanda Platform Garanti bunyesinde yer alan Istanbul Misafirleri Programi bünyesinde İstanbul'da bulunan Avusturyalı genç sanatçı Stephanie Mold, Türkiye’de çalışmış olduğu üç işten oluşan sergisini 15 Mayıs’ta 5533’te açıyor.
Çalışma biçimi olarak Stephanie Mold; sanatsal, sosyal ve biyografik olayları araştırmak adına kendini çeşitli kültürel içeriklere maruz bırakıyor. Bu süreçte, sonucunda ortaya çıkacak olanı tahmin edemeden etkileşime girdiği diğerleriyle diyalog başlatıyor. Portreler yaratmak adına, yerler ve durumlarda karşılaştığı elemanları bir süzgeçten geçirdiği de söylenebilir. Projenin doğasına göre çeşitli formatlara taşıdığı dokümentasyon araçları kullanıyor. Kısacası; bu sergi başkalıkla ve başka bi kültürle anlaşma ve kaynaşmanın zorluklarıyla ilgileniyor.
Dietrich Diederichsen’nin söylediği gibi; „ötekini, kendimle ilişkilendirerek maceramın romantik bir illüstrasyonu şeklinde değil fakat dekoratif önemli bir arkadaş ya da bir rakip olarak görmeliyim (..) daha doğrusu onların ‚öteki’ perspektifi; bireyselliğin, öznelliğin ve rekabetin kafesini terkederken bana yardımcı olmalı.. en azından bir süreliğine..“
‚Başkalık Belki’ adlı videoda, hergün İstiklal Caddesi’ndeki stüdyo binasının kapısında oturan bir müzisyen ile şarkı söylüyor. Bir nevi şarkı düellosu olan atışma geleneğini yansıtırcasına beraber söylüyor, aynı melodiyi paylaşıyorlar fakat ikisi de kendi perspektiflerinde kalarak birbirlerine karşılık vermiyorlar. Ilişkileri oldukça kırılgan ve güvensiz duruyor.
‚Hello Gümüşhane’; Avusturya-Linz’den Türkiye-Gümüşhane’ye doğru, Gümüşhane belediye başkanı ile görüşmek ve ona bir sandalye takdim etmek üzere yola çıkan bir müze görevlisi olarak yaptığı seyahati konu alan bir yol filmi..Linz Modern Sanat Müzesi’nin homojen dünyasını geride bırakarak bir maceraya atılıyor.Ama sürecin sonunda, bıraktığı bu yere yeni bir perspektiften bakıyor.
Sergide aynı zamanda ‚Meet me there’ adlı iş de bulunuyor..Çizim ve nakışı birarada kullanıldığı bu seri, izleyiciyi samimi bir diyaloga itiyor. Tuhaf bir alfebe ile İstanbul hakkında gizli hikayeler ifşa ediyor.

"Mülkiyetin Derinliği– Derinliğin Mülkiyeti"
Ezgi Kılınçaslan
April 12 – May 8, 2010
Sergi açılış: 13Nisan saat 15:30
6 yıldır Berlin'de bulunan Ezgi Kılınçaslan, Berlin UdK daki master eğitiminin ardından “Mülkiyetin Derinliği– Derinliğin Mülkiyeti’’ adlı yerleştirmesi ile 12 Nisan – 8 Mayıs tarihleri arasında 5533 güncel sanat mekanında yer alacak.
Ezgi Kılınçaslan’ın son yerleştirme çalışmasına adını veren “Mülkiyetin Derinliği - Derinliğin Mülkiyeti’’ cinsiyet, sınırlar ve mülkiyet kavramları üzerine eğiliyor. Postkolonial perspektifte cinsiyet koşullarını ve onun güçle ilişkisini irdelerken,video, fotoğraf ve enstalasyon gibi farklı disiplinleri bir araya getiriyor. Sanatçı kullandığı malezeme açısından, ilk bakişta bunu sinirli bir coğrafya içinde tematize ediyor gibi görunse de meseleye ,daha derinlikli ve kapsamlı bir sorgulamayla bakma çabasinda. Kullandığı "Hudut Namustur" askeri sloganı ve diğer elemanlar üzerinden kurduğu ilişki ile cinsiyeti kontrol etmek isteyen ataerkil denetleme mekanizmalarını sınırlar ötesi bir tartışma boyutuna çekiyor.
Ezgi Kılınçaslan’ın “Mülkiyetin Derinliği - Derinliğin Mülkiyeti” adlı yerleştirmesi 8 Mayısa kadar 5533 sanat mekanında görülebilir. 5533 Çarşamba – Cumartesi 13:00 – 18:00 saatleri arasında açık. (HYPERL
Sergi açılış: 13Nisan saat 15:30
Detaylı bilgi için: Kubilay Mert Ural kubilaymertural@gmail.com
İmc5533@gmail.com www.imc5533.blogspot.com
“Property of Deepness – Deepness of Property”
Ezgi Kılınçaslan
April 12 – May 8, 2010
Exhibition Opening: April 13 at 15:30
After finishing her masters degree at UdK and living six years in Berlin, Ezgi Kılınçaslan presents her latest installation, between April 12 and May 8 at the contemporary art center 5533.
Kılınçaslan’s latest installation “Property of Deepness – Deepness of Property” deals with concepts related to gender, boundaries, and property. While investigating from a post-colonial perspective the power relations in conditions related to gender, the artist combines interdisciplinary techniques such as video, photography, and installation. From the perspective of the materials used, even though at first glance the theme may appear to be restricted within a narrow geography, she is striving to make a deep and comprehensive investigation of the event. By establishing a relationship between the “Morality is the boundary” military slogan and the other elements, she takes the discussion beyond the boundaries of patriarchic mechanisms attempting to control gender.
Ezgi Kılınçaslan’s installation, “Property of Deepness –Deepness of Property”, can be seen at 5533 art center until May 8.
5533 is open from Wednesday through Saturday between 13:00 and 18:00. (Imc5533@gmail.com)
For detailed information please contact: Kubilay Mert Ural, kubilaymertural@gmail.com (0544 454 97 93)
Address: IMC 5th Block No. 5533, Unkapani, Istanbul.
almost in passing
Experimental Design in Istanbul
The Department of Experimental Design at the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz
In Istanbul at 5533, Dogzstar, and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University.
Dogzstar: April 2, 2010, 10 p.m.
5533: Opening, April 3, 2010, 3 p.m.
Space is open Tuesday – Saturday, April 4. - April 10, between 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Meet the artists on Tuesday April 6 between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
This April 2010 presentation of artworks at Istanbul’s Off-Space, 5533, (opening on Saturday, April 3, at 3 p.m.) will feature a representative selection of contemporary productions by young Austrian artists. Videos, photography, objects, performances as well as audio installations will be presented to reflect the artists’ personal experiences as well as their social and political backgrounds.
The exhibition will be accompanied by talks with the artists at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University as well as by an evening with experimental electronic music, art projects, and performances at Dogzstar Club Istanbul (Friday, April 2, 2010 at 10 p.m.). These events aim to stimulate productive exchanges and discussions. Professor Dr. Martin Hochleitner, Director of the Gallery of the Federal Province of Upper Austria, together with Andrea van der Straeten and Hubert Lobnig from the Department of Experimental Design of the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz curated this show.
This exhibition in Istanbul constitutes the second phase of an ongoing exchange between the Department of Experimental Design of the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz and the young and vibrant art scene of Istanbul. During their stay at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul as a part of the Erasmus programme, two students from the Department of Experimental Design, Oona Valarie Schager and Ufuk Serbest, initiated, curated and organised in Linz the first exhibition of young artists from Istanbul.
In April of 2009, this show entitled “Inspiring Stanbul” brought the work of young Turkish artists to the center of Linz for the first time. This event resulted from the co-operation between the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz and “Linz 09 – European Capital of Culture”.
Participating artists:
Participating artists:
Works featured in the exhibition:
JAKOB BREITWIESER, “Man will ja nichts sagen, aber...”, sound installation, 2010
This work narrates episodes about conflicts in everyday life and human coexistence. The sounds quoted lack all local, ethnic or gender identification. Thus the listener alone creates a context between himself/herself and the audio material.
SUSANNA FLOCK, “Bezeichnungen”, 85 cm. x 77 cm., 40 file cards (9 cm. x 13 cm.), 2009
An archive of hard-to-define “things” is compiled as part of a quest for meaning and shifts of meaning, for the interrelationship of signifier and signified, thus thematising the complexity of a language system and the diverse interpretations of semantic information.
“Chair, Desk, Window”, 51.14 cm. x 51.14 cm., 4 photos, 2009
“Chair, Desk, Window” aims at a stocktaking of spaces and of the interrelationships between the real-life object and its image as well as between the unambiguous and the ambiguous.
ULRICH FOHLER, “Our Flags (Are the Same)” One turkish flag, One austrian Flag, two boards, 2010
Two folded national flags lie side by side. Shapes and colours are congruent, making it practically impossible to assign them to any specific country; their significant qualities as national flags and their representative symbols disappear in the folds and stacks of fabric. Through simple folding, this work achieves a formal rapprochement between two states and highlights the interchangeability of national identities.
KATHARINA GRUZEI, “Museum Babushka“, C-print, 1.85 m. x 2.20 m., 2008/2009 This photograph attempts to include “working” and “not working” inside a frame. It shows a so called “museum grandmother” in Russia who transforms into the debris of a collapsed ideology. These women continue to work in public transportation or museum institutions because their Udssr pension is not enough for them to live on today. On one hand their bodies represent the former communist state while on the other hand they form an essential mass of workers in public institutions. Their work consists of “doing nothing” while guarding art and waiting for the work shift to end...
"Heimat" is a postcard series of four subjects the artist shot while at an erotic photography workshop. While working at the workshops as a lighting technician, she experienced the absurd reproduction of the erotic alpine clichè...
ASENA HAYAL, „zusammen,birarada“, plexiglass, 2010
Differences across intercultural dialogue are a tool for integration. A mutual language forming between Linz and Istanbul makes it possible for individuals of two different cultures to come together. Languages are important in this interaction. The project is an installation involving two stationary and one moving code. When the moving code aligns with the stationary codes, either “zusammen” or “birarada”, words meaning “together” in German and Turkish, appear. The moving key code symbolises intercultural unity and mutual language.
VERENA HENETMAYR, “in-between”, installation in public space, medium-density fibreboard (MDF), 1.2 m x 0.4 m., 2009
A seat, for example, a bench, transfixed to a wooden board creates two sides. To recognise and see the other side of the board, one must either look or listen through the holes drilled at eye level or just stand up and change places.
ELISABETH KRAMER, “...is Chichi”, 16:9 looped video, 2:13 min., 2009
“...is Chichi”, is a recurring scene of a common, comedic, tragic picture. Chichi dances, gambles and performs on-site.
ELISABETH KRAMER, HILLARY ALLEN, “On a Visit”, 16:9 video, 1:52 min., 2009
Study to “Drawing Restraint 7” (Matthew Barney)
SIGRID KRENNER, “Nur für Euch”, Installation, Video, cup, almonds, 2010
The video installation “Nur für Euch” deals with a traditional method of appropriation: insalivation. The artist puts chocolate-coated almonds in her mouth and sucks off the chocolate, “cleaning” the almonds meticulously with her saliva to present them to her guests with apparent liberality. This work flirts with the very personal “signature” of marking objects with bodily fluids and the resulting rejection.
KATHARINA LOIDL, “the man, the wolf, the sheep and the cabbage”, looped stop-motion animation, 2 min., 2009
A logic puzzle known around the world uses the ambivalent feelings between East and West and their paradox incompatibility as a theme. The quasi-naive presentation technique of shadow play in an endless sequence of moving to and fro between the two banks gives the work its shape. What at first glance appears to be the best solution for “harmonising” this interrelationship may prove to be a miscalculation and in fact demands a more farsighted approach.
AGNES MIESENBERGER, “A midsummer nightmare”, DV PAL video/animation, 2.40 min., 2008
The antiquarian-futuristic equipment used by the band “Las Venus” turns the past into the future. This music clip is a nightmare composed of digital video and historical illustrations in stop-motion technique.
“The Bumblebee Fur Coat”, DVD, DV-PAL video/animation, 2:00 min., 2007
Do we still have to wait to get a fur coat as a present?
A story about a wish and will as told with animated hand-drawings assembled on the computer.
STEPHANIE MOLD, “Hallo Gümüshane”, video, 40 min. 2009
Turks born in the East Anatolian town of Gümüshane live in Linz. During his visit to the Lentos Art Museum in Linz, the stools used in the museum fascinated the mayor of Gümüshane. Mold who used to work as a museum guard at Lentos saw him admiring the furniture. For this reason, wearing her guard’s uniform, she traveled by bus to visit him in Turkey and present him with such a stool. The purpose of this trip was absurdly disproportionate to the required input of time and money; outside the museum’s premises her guard uniform looked grotesque and actually transformed her into a fictional character. Filmmaker Karolina Szmit accompanied her on this journey.
CLAUDIA NICKL, “Contemporary Acre Art”, project, exhibition, 2009
Nine students and graduates of the programme Sculpture – Transmedial Space and Experimental Design spent one week outside the city. The rural environment triggered a temporary fusion between them and the local farmers. Their freshness, unbridled fun and free, sophisticated minds enabled them to create artworks from materials found at the farmhouses. The exhibition took place as part of an annual event with an audience of up to 20,000 people.
Artists: Noemi Auer, Ulrich Fohler, Verena*Henetmayr. Simon Hipfl, Thomas Kluckner, Elisabeth Kramer, Claudia Nickl, Stefan Pirker, Bernhard Senkmüller
Concept, idea, curator: Claudia Nickl
SANDRA OBWEGESER, PAMELA LITZLBAUER, “within my recollection”, 6 min. animated film 2009-2010
idea, production design, editors, directors: Pamela Litzlbauer / Sandra Li Lian Obwegeser
technique: stop-motion, SLR camera, 6 animated tales
This film is based on dreams and dreamlike recollections executed in six scenes. The observer’s gaze is drawn to a surreal atmosphere in which reality and fiction flounder like fish caught in a net, flit across the water like shadows, and in which fitted kitchens watch themselves being drawn.
CHRISTINE PAVLIC, “The Bench, the Yarn and the Drill Machine ...”, C prints, 2008
The wooden slats of benches in public space are perforated by a drill and embroidered in traditional style with needle and yarn, thereby referencing expressions of local and regional everyday culture. By choosing to use embroidery in wood, the artist’s theme refers to a kitsch homey domesticity that verges between a sense of wellbeing and the insufferably stifling feeling generated by benches that simply invite people to sit down. The project, executed in Tyrol, was documented in photographs.
Project artists: Gerda Haunschmid, Tanja Obernberger, Hanna Priemetzhofer, Franziska Thurner
Initially using the nostalgic postcard format, the “Postkastell” shows different impressions, sketches, and images of four young women from Linz. Visitors can swap items they have brought along (preferably Turkish postcards, but also bus tickets, sketches, …) for one of these postcards. Thus the content of the “Postkastell’” will slowly change into a Turkish collection.
“Postkastell – Posta kutusu” is an independent exhibition, installation, platform, castle, intercultural exchange, a place of transformation and variation, take-away-art, and a shifting collection.
ANTONIA PROCHASKA, “Muschihäkeln in Istanbul”, wool, needles, photos, photo album, flyer, 2010
The participants crochet and talk in loosely organised, communicative meetings announced by a flyer and on the Internet. This feminist project by Antonia Prochaska attempts to involve a great variety of people with highly different cultural, religious and work backgrounds.
JOHANNES RAMSL, “Process Paper”, installation, 2010
Certificates are pieces of paper with printing or writing on them. Their value derives from their use by official authorities. Symbols and signatures transform them into documents. In this work, the artist’s collected certificates and references are torn into shreds and then dissolved in water. With a deckle, sheet after sheet of new, “ungraded” paper is created.
NORA RIEDL, “My Friend, the Mayor of Istanbul”, poster work executed in the city of Istanbul, original size 1.7 m. x 30 m. June 2009
The starting point of this work was a chance group photograph taken of some students, including the artist, Nora Fiedl and the Mayor of Istanbul, Kadir Topbas, who during the artist’s stay was featured on all municipal advertising posters. This photo and the imagine friendship with Kadir Topbas formed the nucleus of the artist’s wishes for change in Istanbul. Instead parks, motorways or sports halls, when the artist asked the mayor to inaugurate a building housing a gay rights office, a department for gender studies and a centre training women to defend themselves against domestic violence, she was surprised that he was happy to perform these tasks. Although the huge banner advertising this event was illegally hung from a bridge above an eight-lane motorway and removed after just a few hours, media response to the action was very strong.
KAROLINE RUDOLF, ANTONIA PROCHASKA, “18 October 2008”, installation, bed-sheets, sewing silk, sequins, wire suspension system, 2009
In autumn of 2008, while artists Karoline Rudolf and Antonia Prochaska were staying in the city of Villach, a right-wing populist politician Jörg Haider died in a car accident that was his fault. Quite unintentionally, the artists witnessed the massive mourning, despair and elevation to cultural icon that the local press and population accorded Haider. Some compared the death of Carinthia’s most prominent politician with the mourning for Lady Diana Spencer; even the local radio stations continuously featured Elton John’s “Time to Say Goodbye”.
OONA VALARIE SCHAGER, UFUK SERBEST, “Simplification”, photo print on rigid foam board, 4 parts each 42 cm. x 60 cm., 2008
Ever since their introduction, newspapers, information carriers, have not only been employing the medium of writing, but complemented their content with pictures and illustrations. “Simplification” focuses on these concrete/figurative messages to zero in on visual language and its effects. The daily newspaper becomes an artwork and demands its completion by the recipient. Quotes, not dictations are the objective.
STEFAN STIPEK, "front window #2", 1m 00 sec, 2009, "front window #3“, 2m 01s, 2009
Situated close to the city’s main square, Pfarrplatz is a square at the centre of Linz. Its re-organisation from a place for cars into a place for humans has created a centrally located open space. Not only can it be adapted in a variety of ways, but it also provides a new perspective on itself and its surroundings.
After moving into a flat directly on-site, the square became an eye-catcher for the artist. As an object of scrutiny, Stipek analysed the area using stop-motion studies. In due course, he carried out various experiments in which the surface functioned as a kind of drawing paper and/or stage in the broadest sense. This among other factors inspired the series “front window”.
Experimental Design in Istanbul
The Department of Experimental Design at the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz
In Istanbul at 5533, Dogzstar, and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University.
Dogzstar: April 2, 2010, 10 p.m.
5533: Opening, April 3, 2010, 3 p.m.
Space is open Tuesday – Saturday, April 4. - April 10, between 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Meet the artists on Tuesday April 6 between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
This April 2010 presentation of artworks at Istanbul’s Off-Space, 5533, (opening on Saturday, April 3, at 3 p.m.) will feature a representative selection of contemporary productions by young Austrian artists. Videos, photography, objects, performances as well as audio installations will be presented to reflect the artists’ personal experiences as well as their social and political backgrounds.
The exhibition will be accompanied by talks with the artists at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University as well as by an evening with experimental electronic music, art projects, and performances at Dogzstar Club Istanbul (Friday, April 2, 2010 at 10 p.m.). These events aim to stimulate productive exchanges and discussions. Professor Dr. Martin Hochleitner, Director of the Gallery of the Federal Province of Upper Austria, together with Andrea van der Straeten and Hubert Lobnig from the Department of Experimental Design of the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz curated this show.
This exhibition in Istanbul constitutes the second phase of an ongoing exchange between the Department of Experimental Design of the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz and the young and vibrant art scene of Istanbul. During their stay at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul as a part of the Erasmus programme, two students from the Department of Experimental Design, Oona Valarie Schager and Ufuk Serbest, initiated, curated and organised in Linz the first exhibition of young artists from Istanbul.
In April of 2009, this show entitled “Inspiring Stanbul” brought the work of young Turkish artists to the center of Linz for the first time. This event resulted from the co-operation between the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz and “Linz 09 – European Capital of Culture”.
Participating artists:
Participating artists:
Works featured in the exhibition:
JAKOB BREITWIESER, “Man will ja nichts sagen, aber...”, sound installation, 2010
This work narrates episodes about conflicts in everyday life and human coexistence. The sounds quoted lack all local, ethnic or gender identification. Thus the listener alone creates a context between himself/herself and the audio material.
SUSANNA FLOCK, “Bezeichnungen”, 85 cm. x 77 cm., 40 file cards (9 cm. x 13 cm.), 2009
An archive of hard-to-define “things” is compiled as part of a quest for meaning and shifts of meaning, for the interrelationship of signifier and signified, thus thematising the complexity of a language system and the diverse interpretations of semantic information.
“Chair, Desk, Window”, 51.14 cm. x 51.14 cm., 4 photos, 2009
“Chair, Desk, Window” aims at a stocktaking of spaces and of the interrelationships between the real-life object and its image as well as between the unambiguous and the ambiguous.
ULRICH FOHLER, “Our Flags (Are the Same)” One turkish flag, One austrian Flag, two boards, 2010
Two folded national flags lie side by side. Shapes and colours are congruent, making it practically impossible to assign them to any specific country; their significant qualities as national flags and their representative symbols disappear in the folds and stacks of fabric. Through simple folding, this work achieves a formal rapprochement between two states and highlights the interchangeability of national identities.
KATHARINA GRUZEI, “Museum Babushka“, C-print, 1.85 m. x 2.20 m., 2008/2009 This photograph attempts to include “working” and “not working” inside a frame. It shows a so called “museum grandmother” in Russia who transforms into the debris of a collapsed ideology. These women continue to work in public transportation or museum institutions because their Udssr pension is not enough for them to live on today. On one hand their bodies represent the former communist state while on the other hand they form an essential mass of workers in public institutions. Their work consists of “doing nothing” while guarding art and waiting for the work shift to end...
"Heimat" is a postcard series of four subjects the artist shot while at an erotic photography workshop. While working at the workshops as a lighting technician, she experienced the absurd reproduction of the erotic alpine clichè...
ASENA HAYAL, „zusammen,birarada“, plexiglass, 2010
Differences across intercultural dialogue are a tool for integration. A mutual language forming between Linz and Istanbul makes it possible for individuals of two different cultures to come together. Languages are important in this interaction. The project is an installation involving two stationary and one moving code. When the moving code aligns with the stationary codes, either “zusammen” or “birarada”, words meaning “together” in German and Turkish, appear. The moving key code symbolises intercultural unity and mutual language.
VERENA HENETMAYR, “in-between”, installation in public space, medium-density fibreboard (MDF), 1.2 m x 0.4 m., 2009
A seat, for example, a bench, transfixed to a wooden board creates two sides. To recognise and see the other side of the board, one must either look or listen through the holes drilled at eye level or just stand up and change places.
ELISABETH KRAMER, “...is Chichi”, 16:9 looped video, 2:13 min., 2009
“...is Chichi”, is a recurring scene of a common, comedic, tragic picture. Chichi dances, gambles and performs on-site.
ELISABETH KRAMER, HILLARY ALLEN, “On a Visit”, 16:9 video, 1:52 min., 2009
Study to “Drawing Restraint 7” (Matthew Barney)
SIGRID KRENNER, “Nur für Euch”, Installation, Video, cup, almonds, 2010
The video installation “Nur für Euch” deals with a traditional method of appropriation: insalivation. The artist puts chocolate-coated almonds in her mouth and sucks off the chocolate, “cleaning” the almonds meticulously with her saliva to present them to her guests with apparent liberality. This work flirts with the very personal “signature” of marking objects with bodily fluids and the resulting rejection.
KATHARINA LOIDL, “the man, the wolf, the sheep and the cabbage”, looped stop-motion animation, 2 min., 2009
A logic puzzle known around the world uses the ambivalent feelings between East and West and their paradox incompatibility as a theme. The quasi-naive presentation technique of shadow play in an endless sequence of moving to and fro between the two banks gives the work its shape. What at first glance appears to be the best solution for “harmonising” this interrelationship may prove to be a miscalculation and in fact demands a more farsighted approach.
AGNES MIESENBERGER, “A midsummer nightmare”, DV PAL video/animation, 2.40 min., 2008
The antiquarian-futuristic equipment used by the band “Las Venus” turns the past into the future. This music clip is a nightmare composed of digital video and historical illustrations in stop-motion technique.
“The Bumblebee Fur Coat”, DVD, DV-PAL video/animation, 2:00 min., 2007
Do we still have to wait to get a fur coat as a present?
A story about a wish and will as told with animated hand-drawings assembled on the computer.
STEPHANIE MOLD, “Hallo Gümüshane”, video, 40 min. 2009
Turks born in the East Anatolian town of Gümüshane live in Linz. During his visit to the Lentos Art Museum in Linz, the stools used in the museum fascinated the mayor of Gümüshane. Mold who used to work as a museum guard at Lentos saw him admiring the furniture. For this reason, wearing her guard’s uniform, she traveled by bus to visit him in Turkey and present him with such a stool. The purpose of this trip was absurdly disproportionate to the required input of time and money; outside the museum’s premises her guard uniform looked grotesque and actually transformed her into a fictional character. Filmmaker Karolina Szmit accompanied her on this journey.
CLAUDIA NICKL, “Contemporary Acre Art”, project, exhibition, 2009
Nine students and graduates of the programme Sculpture – Transmedial Space and Experimental Design spent one week outside the city. The rural environment triggered a temporary fusion between them and the local farmers. Their freshness, unbridled fun and free, sophisticated minds enabled them to create artworks from materials found at the farmhouses. The exhibition took place as part of an annual event with an audience of up to 20,000 people.
Artists: Noemi Auer, Ulrich Fohler, Verena*Henetmayr. Simon Hipfl, Thomas Kluckner, Elisabeth Kramer, Claudia Nickl, Stefan Pirker, Bernhard Senkmüller
Concept, idea, curator: Claudia Nickl
SANDRA OBWEGESER, PAMELA LITZLBAUER, “within my recollection”, 6 min. animated film 2009-2010
idea, production design, editors, directors: Pamela Litzlbauer / Sandra Li Lian Obwegeser
technique: stop-motion, SLR camera, 6 animated tales
This film is based on dreams and dreamlike recollections executed in six scenes. The observer’s gaze is drawn to a surreal atmosphere in which reality and fiction flounder like fish caught in a net, flit across the water like shadows, and in which fitted kitchens watch themselves being drawn.
CHRISTINE PAVLIC, “The Bench, the Yarn and the Drill Machine ...”, C prints, 2008
The wooden slats of benches in public space are perforated by a drill and embroidered in traditional style with needle and yarn, thereby referencing expressions of local and regional everyday culture. By choosing to use embroidery in wood, the artist’s theme refers to a kitsch homey domesticity that verges between a sense of wellbeing and the insufferably stifling feeling generated by benches that simply invite people to sit down. The project, executed in Tyrol, was documented in photographs.
Project artists: Gerda Haunschmid, Tanja Obernberger, Hanna Priemetzhofer, Franziska Thurner
Initially using the nostalgic postcard format, the “Postkastell” shows different impressions, sketches, and images of four young women from Linz. Visitors can swap items they have brought along (preferably Turkish postcards, but also bus tickets, sketches, …) for one of these postcards. Thus the content of the “Postkastell’” will slowly change into a Turkish collection.
“Postkastell – Posta kutusu” is an independent exhibition, installation, platform, castle, intercultural exchange, a place of transformation and variation, take-away-art, and a shifting collection.
ANTONIA PROCHASKA, “Muschihäkeln in Istanbul”, wool, needles, photos, photo album, flyer, 2010
The participants crochet and talk in loosely organised, communicative meetings announced by a flyer and on the Internet. This feminist project by Antonia Prochaska attempts to involve a great variety of people with highly different cultural, religious and work backgrounds.
JOHANNES RAMSL, “Process Paper”, installation, 2010
Certificates are pieces of paper with printing or writing on them. Their value derives from their use by official authorities. Symbols and signatures transform them into documents. In this work, the artist’s collected certificates and references are torn into shreds and then dissolved in water. With a deckle, sheet after sheet of new, “ungraded” paper is created.
NORA RIEDL, “My Friend, the Mayor of Istanbul”, poster work executed in the city of Istanbul, original size 1.7 m. x 30 m. June 2009
The starting point of this work was a chance group photograph taken of some students, including the artist, Nora Fiedl and the Mayor of Istanbul, Kadir Topbas, who during the artist’s stay was featured on all municipal advertising posters. This photo and the imagine friendship with Kadir Topbas formed the nucleus of the artist’s wishes for change in Istanbul. Instead parks, motorways or sports halls, when the artist asked the mayor to inaugurate a building housing a gay rights office, a department for gender studies and a centre training women to defend themselves against domestic violence, she was surprised that he was happy to perform these tasks. Although the huge banner advertising this event was illegally hung from a bridge above an eight-lane motorway and removed after just a few hours, media response to the action was very strong.
KAROLINE RUDOLF, ANTONIA PROCHASKA, “18 October 2008”, installation, bed-sheets, sewing silk, sequins, wire suspension system, 2009
In autumn of 2008, while artists Karoline Rudolf and Antonia Prochaska were staying in the city of Villach, a right-wing populist politician Jörg Haider died in a car accident that was his fault. Quite unintentionally, the artists witnessed the massive mourning, despair and elevation to cultural icon that the local press and population accorded Haider. Some compared the death of Carinthia’s most prominent politician with the mourning for Lady Diana Spencer; even the local radio stations continuously featured Elton John’s “Time to Say Goodbye”.
OONA VALARIE SCHAGER, UFUK SERBEST, “Simplification”, photo print on rigid foam board, 4 parts each 42 cm. x 60 cm., 2008
Ever since their introduction, newspapers, information carriers, have not only been employing the medium of writing, but complemented their content with pictures and illustrations. “Simplification” focuses on these concrete/figurative messages to zero in on visual language and its effects. The daily newspaper becomes an artwork and demands its completion by the recipient. Quotes, not dictations are the objective.
STEFAN STIPEK, "front window #2", 1m 00 sec, 2009, "front window #3“, 2m 01s, 2009
Situated close to the city’s main square, Pfarrplatz is a square at the centre of Linz. Its re-organisation from a place for cars into a place for humans has created a centrally located open space. Not only can it be adapted in a variety of ways, but it also provides a new perspective on itself and its surroundings.
After moving into a flat directly on-site, the square became an eye-catcher for the artist. As an object of scrutiny, Stipek analysed the area using stop-motion studies. In due course, he carried out various experiments in which the surface functioned as a kind of drawing paper and/or stage in the broadest sense. This among other factors inspired the series “front window”.
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